Torch is a neural net matrix multiplication library

  1. Uses PyTorch API syntax for tensors and neural nets.
  2. Uses GPU.js acceleration to translate matmul into WebGL shader code.
  3. Neural Net API: MultiHeadSelfAttention, FullyConnected, Block, Embedding, PositionalEmbedding, ReLU, Softmax, Dropout, LayerNorm, CrossEntropyLoss


tensor(data, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new Tensor filled with the given data

zeros(*shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new Tensor filled with zeros

ones(*shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new Tensor filled with ones

tril(*shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new 2D lower triangular Tensor

randn(*shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu', xavier = false) Creates a new Tensor filled with random values from a normal distribution

rand(*shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new Tensor filled with random values from a uniform distribution

randint(low, high, *shape, requires_grad = false, device = 'cpu') Creates a new Tensor filled with random integers Tensor Methods:

tensor.backward() Performs backpropagation from this tensor backwards

tensor.zero_grad() Clears the gradients stored in this tensor

tensor.zero_grad_graph() Clears the gradients stored in this tensor and all tensors that led to it

tensor.tolist() Returns the tensor's data as a JavaScript Array

add(a, b) Performs element-wise addition of two tensors

sub(a, b) Performs element-wise subtraction of two tensors

neg(a) Returns the element-wise opposite of the given Tensor

mul(a, b) Performs element-wise multiplication of two tensors

div(a, b) Performs element-wise division of two tensors

matmul(a, b) Performs matrix multiplication between two tensors

sum(a, dim, keepdims = false) Gets the sum of the Tensor over a specified dimension

mean(a, dim, keepdims = false) Gets the mean of the Tensor over a specified dimension

variance(a, dim, keepdims = false) Gets the variance of the Tensor over a specified dimension

transpose(a, dim1, dim2) Transposes the tensor along two consecutive dimensions

at(a, index1, index2) Returns elements from the tensor based on given indices

masked_fill(a, condition, value) Fills elements in the tensor based on a condition

pow(a, n) Returns tensor raised to element-wise power

sqrt(a) Returns element-wise square root of the tensor

exp(a) Returns element-wise exponentiation of the tensor

log(a) Returns element-wise natural log of the tensor

torch.nn Neural Network Layers:

nn.Linear(in_size, out_size, device, bias, xavier) Applies a linear transformation to the input tensor

nn.MultiHeadSelfAttention(in_size, out_size, n_heads, n_timesteps, dropout_prob, device) Applies a self-attention layer on the input tensor

nn.FullyConnected(in_size, out_size, dropout_prob, device, bias) Applies a fully-connected layer on the input tensor

nn.Block(in_size, out_size, n_heads, n_timesteps, dropout_prob, device) Applies a transformer Block layer on the input tensor

nn.Embedding(in_size, embed_size) Creates an embedding table for vocabulary

nn.PositionalEmbedding(input_size, embed_size) Creates a positional embedding table

nn.ReLU() Applies Rectified Linear Unit activation function

nn.Softmax() Applies Softmax activation function

nn.Dropout(drop_prob) Applies dropout to input tensor

nn.LayerNorm(n_embed) Applies Layer Normalization to input tensor

nn.CrossEntropyLoss() Computes Cross Entropy Loss between target and input tensor

Optimization: optim.Adam(params, lr, reg, betas, eps) Adam optimizer for updating model parameters

Utility Functions:

save(model, file) Saves the model reruning data blob (for you to save)

load(model, loadedData) Loads the model from saved data

PyTorch Contributors, Leao, E. et al (2022), See also: Brain.js


Tensor: typeof Tensor

Add methods from tensor.js (these methods are accessed with "torch."):

Parameter: typeof Parameter
add: ((a: any, b: any) => any)
neg: ((a: any) => any)
mul: ((a: any, b: any) => any)
div: ((a: any, b: any) => any)
matmul: ((a: any, b: any) => any)
exp: ((a: any) => any)
log: ((a: any) => any)
sqrt: ((a: any) => any)
pow: ((a: any, n: any) => any)
mean: ((a: any, dim?: number, keepdims?: boolean) => any)
masked_fill: ((a: any, mask: any, condition: any, value: any) => any)
variance: ((a: any, dim?: number, keepdims?: boolean) => any)
at: ((a: any, idx1: any, idx2: any) => any)
reshape: ((a: any, shape: any) => any)
_reshape: ((a: any, shape: any) => any)
transpose: ((a: any, dim1: any, dim2: any) => any)
tensor: ((data: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string) => Tensor)
randint: ((low?: number, high?: number, shape?: number[], requires_grad?: boolean) => Tensor)
randn: ((shape: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string, xavier?: boolean) => Tensor)
rand: ((shape: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string) => Tensor)
tril: ((shape: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string) => Tensor)
ones: ((shape: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string) => Tensor)
zeros: ((shape: any, requires_grad?: boolean, device?: string) => Tensor)
broadcast: ((a: any, b: any) => Tensor)
save: ((model: any, file: any) => string)
load: ((model: any, loadedData: any) => any)
nn: {
    Module: typeof Module;
    Linear: typeof Linear;
    MultiHeadSelfAttention: typeof MultiHeadSelfAttention;
    FullyConnected: typeof FullyConnected;
    Block: typeof Block;
    Embedding: typeof Embedding;
    PositionalEmbedding: typeof PositionalEmbedding;
    ReLU: typeof ReLU;
    Softmax: typeof Softmax;
    Dropout: typeof Dropout;
    LayerNorm: typeof LayerNorm;
    CrossEntropyLoss: typeof CrossEntropyLoss;

Add submodules:

optim: {
    Adam: typeof Adam;
getShape: ((data: any, shape?: any[]) => any[])

Type declaration

    • (data, shape?): any[]
    • import { GPU } from "@eduardoleao052/gpu"


      • data: any
      • shape: any[] = []

      Returns any[]