Returns a list of phrases that are found in Wiki Titles/ dictionary phrases World Model
that match the input phrase, or just the single word if found. Search results will be
more accurate if we infer likely phrases and search for those words occuring together and
not just split into words and find frequency. Examples are "white house" or "state of the art"
which should be searched as a phrase but would return different context if split into words.
As Led Zeppelin famously put it: ♫ "'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings."
Convert Text Query to Topic Phrase Tokens
Returns a list of phrases that are found in Wiki Titles/ dictionary phrases World Model that match the input phrase, or just the single word if found. Search results will be more accurate if we infer likely phrases and search for those words occuring together and not just split into words and find frequency. Examples are "white house" or "state of the art" which should be searched as a phrase but would return different context if split into words. As Led Zeppelin famously put it: ♫ "'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings."