Function generateLanguageModelReply

  • Generates a reply using an AI models: Groq, Claude, or OpenAI's GPT.

    This function utilizes transformer-based language models:

    1. Input Embedding: Converts input text into numerical vectors.
    2. Positional Encoding: Adds position information to maintain word order.
    3. Multi-Head Attention: Processes relationships between words in parallel.
    4. Feed-Forward Networks: Further processes the attention output.
    5. Layer Normalization & Residual Connections: Stabilizes learning and prevents vanishing gradients.
    6. Output Layer: Generates probabilities for next tokens.

    The model iteratively applies these steps to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses.

    The Annotated Transformer

    Transformers Explained Visually (Part 3)

    "An important feature of a learning machine is that its teacher will often be very largely ignorant of quite what is going on inside." -A.M. Turing, 1950


    • query: string

      The user's input query.

    • apiKey: string

      The API key for authentication with Groq or OpenAI.

    • model: string

      The specific AI model to be used (e.g., GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B).

    Returns Promise<{
        content: string;
        error: string;

    The generated AI response as HTML.