Function suggestNextWordCompletions

  • Completes the query with the most likely next words for phrases. If typing 2+ letters of a word, returns all possible words matching those few letters.


    • query: string

      The input query which can be pertial words or phrases.

    • Optionaloptions: {
          phrasesModel: any;
          limitMaxResults: number;
          numberOfLastWordsToCheck: number;
      } = {}
      • phrasesModel: any

        A custom phrases model to use for autocomplete suggestions.

      • limitMaxResults: number

        default=10 - The maximum number of autocomplete suggestions to return.

      • numberOfLastWordsToCheck: number

        default=5 - The number of last words in the query to check for phrase completions.

    Returns Promise<any[]>

    An array of autocomplete suggestions, each containing either a 'phrase' or 'word' property.

    // Basic usage
    const suggestions = await suggestNextWordCompletions("self att");
    // Possible output: [{ phrase: "self attention" }, { phrase: "self attract" }, { phrase: "self attack" }]
    // Using options
    const customModel = await import("./custom-phrases-model.json");
    const suggestions = await suggestNextWordCompletions("artificial int", {
    phrasesModel: customModel,
    limitMaxResults: 5,
    numberOfLastWordsToCheck: 3
    // Possible output: [{ phrase: "artificial intelligence" }, { phrase: "artificial interpretation" }]

    Gulakov, A. (2024)